Everyone Into the Pool!

Republicans were relying on health-care reform to bring down the president. Instead, people are signing up in droves. But after testing the system, the author—with his own serious, incurable, and expensive pre-existing condition—zeroes in on Obamacare’ s core contradiction.I am an insurance company’s worst nightmare. I have a “pre-existing condition.” It’s serious and incurable, but with a variety of prescription drugs it can be kept under control. The drugs cost more than $10,000 a year (and most of them are generics). There’s also an operation that can ameliorate the symptoms. I had the operation a decade ago. It worked well and cost more than $200,000. Every four or five years the operation requires an update. This is a fairly minor procedure: The last time I had it, I was in and out of the hospital in less than three hours. The bill was $26,618.50. (That 50 cents is a nice touch.) I go to various doctors and other specialists to deal with the many side effects, running up an annual tab of $5,000 to $10,000.Read More.Source:  Vanity Fair/Michael Kinsley