Democrats Shouldn’t Run From Barack Obama’s Record

If I were running for office this November I'd be sure to make it clear that a vote for me is a vote for President Obama.He has done a good (but not perfect) job over the last 6 years. Notwithstanding, his critics choose to blame him for anything that goes wrong in our country. This approach is like criticizing Eisenhower for some things that didn't go well during the invasion of France on D-Day during WW2.Today and over recent years the US has had possibly the strongest economy in the West or possibly in the world. We've had a low inflation rate, a rising stock market and a major reduction in unemployment. This in spite of the fact that over the last decade or so globalization has inevitably moved millions of jobs overseas and State and Federal budget controls have cut civil service jobs.We have not become involved in any new wars. We have been able to eliminate Assad's chemical weapons without the risk of starting a war with Syria. The situation in Ukraine has begun to be constructively negotiated between Russia and the government in Kiev, without our military involvement. Hopefully a new era of peace has settled in between Israel and the Palestinians, based upon some reasonable concessions and compromises on both sides. There continues to be slow, but steady negotiations with Iran aimed at limiting Iran's nuclear weapons capacity. Osama bin Laden is no longer a threat, that being accomplished by careful planning and intelligence sources, and, importantly, without Pakistan's prior knowledge, which was essential. Obama has pulled together a coalition of countries to work at controlling and ultimately removing the ISIS control of much of Iraq, although it's almost universally understood that this effort will take many years to accomplish. His foreign policies have not been without fault, but considering all the possible outcomes Obama has steered a careful course.Read More.Source: The Progressive Populist, Letters To The EditorWallace WolffSouderton, Pa.